
Information From related facilities

Dazaifu_City_ Wi-Fi (Free Wi-Fi) is available

In Dazaifu City, we provide services for public wireless LAN "Dazaifu_City_Wi-Fi".
On the gate page of Wi-Fi, We also introduce the DAZAIFU JAPAN HERITAGE.

Where you can use ...
・Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine and the approach of the shrine
・Ruins of Dazaifu Government Office
Kanzeon-ji Temple
Kaidan-in Temple
・Ruins of Mizuki Fortress (Site of East Gate around)
・Ruins of Onojo Fortress (Obana Area)
・Dazaifu Exhibition Hall
・Dazaifu Fureai Museum
・Dazaifu Hall
・Dazaifu Tourist Information

We plan to expand the available area in the future.

【Notes on use
1 There are restrictions on use. (15 minutes per connection, 16 times a day)
2 When using it, you have to agree to the terms of use.
3 The usage fee is free, but thecost of the paid website will be borne by theuser.
4Processing such as encryptionis not performed when using. Please pay attention to leakage of personal infomation.

For more information
Dazaifu City TourismWebsite

Dazaifu City TourismWebsite (site for Foreign Languages)

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